Héloïse Ravet | Saintes Patronnes

Héloïse Ravet est une jeune metteuse en scène, diplômée de l’INSAS en 2020.
With her first creation, OUTRAGE POUR BONNE FORTUNE, at Théâtre Varia in November 2022, she explores the boundary between the world of the dead and the living through a poetic and visceral fiction.
In the winter of 2023, Héloïse Ravet directed OEDIPÜS by Maya Zade at the Théâtre de Liège, focusing on the echoes between capitalist and intrafamilial systems of violence. Finally, with her new creation, LES LARRONS EN BASKETS BLEUES (full-length version), a touring production with the NEST – CDN transfrontalier de Thionville-Grand Est in February 2025, she develops a poetic approach to failure and weakness as a powerful political force against a society that constantly demands more results and success.
En Studio avec Héloïse Ravet #1 - OUTRAGE POUR BONNE FORTUNE - Théâtre Varia
En Studio avec Héloïse Ravet #2 - OUTRAGE POUR BONNE FORTUNE - Théâtre Varia